Tried to say Not only. Said Notly. laff. guess that can be excused in a day where I was in an ambulance contemplating heart failure, by pass, pacemaker and death options. The moment in time where I felt most at peace was when the ambo was in shannon and I was completely at peace with the idea of this being it. I haad no regrets, the personal work had been worth it and all was in order.
The second momnent of peace, injecting the drug to stop the heart to revert it back to normal rhythm.
Apprently I suffered a SVT attack,
This explains 3 other episodes in last 4 years including one this birthday. It is not life threatening and manageble but I didnt know that until 6pm tonight.
Started when I notice the struggle and breathlessness in the pool yesterday. Unable to swallow at dinner time. Couldnt stand at choir prac last night. Eye blurring at 10pm. Indigestion feeling at 12midnight. Rapid heart beat at 1am. Woke at 8am drenched. Fainted 4 times between 9 and 12pm. Drove to a friends and lay on their deck while others made decsion ffor me to not drive. Taken to med centre at 12.45.
Pules rate 185bpm. Ambo called. The intensive care speciliast ambo called. Transported at 2pm to pn hosptial. picked up specialst ambo on route. Meds in ambulance didnt bring heart rate down further than 170.
So emergency dept gave med to stop heart and revert it to normal ryhthm. Apprently I had been running a marathon for 28 hours at the pace of a sprint. Mary said the heart monitor stopped and when it came back on I had dropped from 170 to 110 in a course of 8 seconds.
Had oxygen mask on, 2 lines in and resuc cart near by.
So, I am home, Happy to be alive and cancelling rest of my week.
next time I have a technique to use to get it to revert otherwise I am calling an ambo 27 hours earlier.
Love you all
You poor thing! Glad you are home safe again.