Wednesday, 14 March 2012

steroids and MS

OK. So I have three types of pain. MS, med side effects and injury pain. I use 2 drugs for the MS pain and it isnt taking care of the neuralgia (think sharp pain that feels like tooth abscess) or the burning feet or hard swallowing. reluctantly started steroid use. Now I risk mania with steroid use with a whump after finished it. I have been taking 4 hourly panadol and neurofen plus for the shoulder pain where I landed in Mondays faint and the edge si still there. I am having hot flashes as a side effect of the 2 MS meds, requiring me to be horizontal and ice pack my body. So... its physio referral for shoulder and back around the traps for MS pain management and med side effects. No longer despondent. Angry. Tears will follow soon.

 tramadol would be great. I agreed to go in it end 2008 when my osteoarthritis leg locked up and needed a knee replacement. I was under the mistaken belief this would be a 4 week wait and wouldnt be longer need for use. ACC decided to argue whether it was accident related and re litigated its 1984 and 1999 decision it was, so by time I got op, did post surgery and recoverd I was on tramadol for 7 months. Withdrawal was a s&&t. Yeah, have introduced caffeine back to my diet and need to keep using it as Im sensitive to not getting it on time. My body is so sensitive, but now I know I have MS (probable ) I understand I have an autoimmune disease and the pain wiring also mis fires. if the gabapentiin 3 mnt trial hadn't started to work in Dec the GP was looking at tramadol. I can telol you thaqt temezpama or imovane do not induce sleep in me that would have once put me out for 12 hours on one alone. 3 hours ago ·

 Havin chosen to work in the A and field for a career, I chose abstinence from cannibas 21 years ago. If it was legal or aviailable on Prescription then I would have another option to consider.

 4 hours later Steroids. First day of high dose. do that for four days then reduce by one tablet every five days until finished. That takes me till 11 April. Within four hours of taking first dose... there is sensation like flicking going into my toes and fingers indicating return of feeling, the pin pricks on the eyes have gone and I have sensation. Tingling in tongue indicating return of sensation and taste. I must have had lots of numb bits in the body around the bits burning and spasming.. I can taste food again that is not tomato based (pasta and meat dishes), heavily flavoured berry drink, sweet for the taste and custard for the texture. Just like other times Ive taken steroids... but start working again. The burning feet and neuralgia is there bnut in the background.... releasing... We did it. we stopped it before the cant stnad smell of food, stabbing and the pins and needels turning from itchy into tattoo gun like sensations arrived. WOOOHHHHHOOOOOOOOOO. (mania from ahving pain releif and steroid hight I think)

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