Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Cardio/Neurology shenanigans

Cardio/MS update. New MS drug helping at about 70% pain relief now. More time upright. Its not taking care of the swallowing problem, the head ache, the sense of being off balance, nausea. Im better, but not enough. I am now on the semi urgent Neuro wait list. Might be seen before Christmas. Met cardiologist today. Have to have echocardio test. She is 98% sure that my heart will not show a elec...trical problem or heart disease. I apparently was the healthiest person she had seen all day. Laugh.She validated that many people get depressed after a heart event. She is saying that if I need to return to the med that I just came off, that was so successful in managing the MS for three years, I can return to it. If then I have another tachycarida event, that can be mangaed with more meds. She doesnt know what caused it. Stress could do it, having a virus all winter, placement of the MS lesion, meds, menopause, or just random. May or may not happen again. Im feeling.... some relief (have more options), nausea, and mad that my body has yet again thrown something at me so random that may or may not happen again. I live with enough random spasms, burning, stabbing pain, electric shock sensations, itching, pins and needles, numbness, tattoo gun like sensations. RANDOM. MS truly sucks. Thanks for all yr prayers again. xA

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